Books I Read in 2024
Here are the covers (courtesy of StoryGraph) of the books that I read in 2024. I had a goal of reading 25 books but ended up with slightly more than twice that amount.
Here are the covers (courtesy of StoryGraph) of the books that I read in 2024. I had a goal of reading 25 books but ended up with slightly more than twice that amount.
I have always been a sucker for time travel stories. Probably a lot of us are. After all, given the chance to change the past or influence the future for the better appeals to most of us. But Kaliane Bradley … Continue reading
In September of 2018, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford came forward to state that U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh had physically and sexually assaulted her when she was 15 and he was 17 at a house party in the Summer … Continue reading
I had a two-fold interest in reading this book/series; I had seen the Netflix film series advertised, but I like reading the book version first before watching the film version of ANY story, so I obtained the first book in … Continue reading
Terry Maitland is a happily married man, father of two daughters, teaches English and coaches Little League Baseball in the mid-sized town of Flint City. He’s never had so much as a traffic ticket on his record. He is also … Continue reading
You’re familiar with the old adage, “Nice guys finish last”, right? Made famous by legendary Dodgers baseball manager Leo Durocher, it posits that if you’re going to get ahead in baseball (or anything in this world) then you better not … Continue reading
Just finished “How to Hide an Empire” and it is an eye-opening look at the history of the United States of America’s colonialism around the world. Highly recommend!
This is the first book I’ve read by Ms. Rouda and I’m pretty sure it will be the last. This is ostensibly the story of a crooked (what other kind is there?) congressman and his wife who assumes his congressional … Continue reading
This book was an X-mas gift from my wife. Marie Severin was one of only two known female comic book artists when I was growing up (the other being Ramona Fradon, who was best known as the artist for Aquaman) … Continue reading
This is a book my daughter gifted me with for Christmas. If you’re a writer who has grown tired of being told all the “rules” you must follow to be successful, this book is for you. Somers is a successful … Continue reading
If you are just starting in Emergency Management, have been doing it for a while, or are just interested in reading about how to lead during a disaster then this book is for you. I wish I had this book … Continue reading
The Black Angel by John Connolly was one of the dead tree books in my TBR stack that I brought back from Wolf’s Haven to read while I am working remotely in Orlando. The Author Connolly, an Irish-born author who … Continue reading
Almost 12 years ago I began practicing Bookcrossing for the second time, but over the past 2 years I found myself doing hardly any, for many reasons but mostly because I was doing a LOT of my reading in digital … Continue reading
So this will sound like sacrilege, I’m sure, to some but I don’t recall ever hearing about the character Jack Reacher until the year 2012 while working a flood in North Dakota when a former co-worker, Jean Riendeau, was complaining … Continue reading
“Becoming Superman”, by J. Michael Straczynski is the writer’s autobiographical story of his childhood and career, constantly backlit by his desire to emulate the greatest superhero of all time; Superman. Like a lot of children from my generation, which is … Continue reading
When I went to BookPeople a couple of weeks ago for the reading/book signing of “The Oracle Year” by Charles Soule, I also picked up a copy of a signed edition of “Armada” by Ernest Cline. I pretty much purchase … Continue reading
A couple of months ago I was reading about a new book coming out titled “The Oracle Year” by Charles Soule (the “e” is silent) and what caught my attention in the review was that the writer was also a … Continue reading
As an avid and voracious reader this statistic, from the Pew Research Center, that 26% of American adults have not read even a part of a book in the past year just blows my mind. Are you part of the … Continue reading
“Because the soup is getting cold.” – Leonardo da Vinci Back in November of last year, I had the opportunity to attend the Texas Book Festival here in Austin, Texas for the first time. I was especially excited to get to … Continue reading
A few weeks ago Book Riot ran the results of a survey they took about the “10 Scariest Books You’ve Read” and while the outcome was not all that surprising (Stephen King books grab the majority), I thought I’d throw … Continue reading