On The Loss Of A Tree

Bad news on the cabin property front.

On our land stands a huge, immensely tall tree that I immediately fell in love with when I first visited the property before we even bought it. It is incredibly straight and, I might say, even majestic looking. I’m not a tree-hugger type, but that tree found a place in my heart as soon as I laid eyes on it. I even joked with Cindy that, instead of calling our place “The Enchanted Forest” as we had decided upon, we might consider changing it to “The Tall Tree Compound” or “Tall Tree Estate.”

As I mentioned, I’m not a tree-hugger and my knowledge of plants, flowers, fruits and vegetables is almost nil. I depend on Cindy and her father to identify plants and trees for me and sadly, she tells me, that mighty tree is a Hemlock.

The problem with Hemlock trees these days is that they are being voraciously attacked by an infestation of insects that kill them quite quickly. Ours, it turns out, is dead or almost dead and will not recover, which saddens me deeply. I had so looked forward to seeing it every day when we move there. Now, that will not be.

And so we must ask the excavation people who, at our request, have been very diligent in not knocking down any more trees than absolutely necessary to clear space for our cabin’s footprint, to go ahead and cut down our poor, beautiful Hemlock tree to avoid having it either fall on our cabin at some point in the future or paying a fortune to have tree surgeons come in and do the job.

I, for one, am baffled by my deep sadness because I would never have imagined that the loss of a tree would affect me so profoundly.

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