Over on the forums of Editor Unleashed, they’ve been polling writers for the past two months about their favorite books for writers. Here are what they have compiled as the 10 best books for writers:
On Writing
by Stephen King
Plot & Structure
by James Scott Bell
A Dash of Style
by Noah Lukeman
Between the Lines
by Jessica Morrell
Writing the Breakout Novel
by Donald Maass
The Forest for the Trees
by Betsy Lerner
Zen in the Art of Writing
by Ray Bradbury
The Elements of Style
by William Strunk, Jr. and E.B. White
Characters & Viewpoint
by Orson Scott Card
Bird by Bird
by Anne Lamott
I am almost embarrassed to note that I have only read 3 of these 10 (though I did skim Bradbury’s book in the bookstore before choosing a different tome to purchase), so I obviously have some titles to add to my Wish List now.
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