Getting Settled In

As you can see, I have been working on getting things arranged around here, moving in the “furniture” and moving it all around to find the best look.

Let’s start with the very top. “Thanks” to my friend Denise for pointing out that once you came here to the blog from the website, there was no way to return to the website without using the browser “Back” function and that’s not a good design “feature”. Now the title graphic above is also a link back to the main website page, from which you can navigate anywhere on the site.

In addition to being able to get back that way, the photo of yours truly on the right will link you back to the “About Jeff” page on the website, from which you can also navigate anywhere on the site.

Moving down the right column, I have added some of my favorite links. More of those to come.

Going past the standard “Previous Posts” and “Archives” sections I’ve added a graphic for the upcoming BlogOrlando event, the Flickr link to my photos (a few dozen new ones are up, so take a look), my Technorati link, and my “What I’m Reading” and “What I’ve Read In 2007” sections.

I’m not completely done, but it’s beginning to feel more like “home” around here. Keep an eye out on the right column for more additions over the next few days.

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