Back To Corn Country

Got the call this morning to go back to Iowa, so I’m flying out Wednesday morning with a connecting flight in Dallas-Ft. Worth and arriving around 3:30pm Des Moines’ time tomorrow afternoon.

This deployment I’m working in my current department instead of being loaned out to my former, so I’m especially looking forward to that. And to also seeing folks I worked with when I was there in June and the first part of July.

I also realized I’ll be there during the Iowa State Fair, which has a long and rich history. I usually avoid these kinds of things like the plague, but it’s hard to pass up a chance (hopefully) to attend such a famous annual event and take lots of photos.

Plus, I’ve seen both the 1945 and 1962 film versions (and liked them both about the same), so it will be interesting to see how the modern-day event compares to the musical versions.

You can follow my trip updates tomorrow on Twitter.

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