Sunday morning I had the pleasure of getting my brother, sister-in-law, niece and her fiance into the Disney Magic Kingdom park. It’s been more than a year since I have seen my brother, so I was excited to get the chance to spend some time with him. Everyone else was a bonus.
So it turns out that about a week ago my brother shaved his head bald and also shaved off his beard, something he’d never done in the past and thus caught me completely off-guard. My first thought was “Holy $h!7!!” because I was so surprised and it was such a different look for him, but I didn’t verbalize that. I remember many years ago when my parents hadn’t seen me for a while and came to visit. I had been letting my hair grow out for quite some time. When they arrived on my front porch and I opened the door the first thing my mom said wasn’t “How have you been?” or “I’ve missed you” but rather, “Good God, you look like a woolybooger!” It scarred me for life and I could not be responsible for affecting my brother in a similar manner. So I bit my tongue and enjoyed just getting to see my brother, hug him and spend a small amount of time with him. However, brothers being brothers, I could not resist the urge, later when I was taking photos, to say, “I’m going to name this picture ‘Lex Luthor Visits Magic Kingdom!‘” and everyone laughed.
Here are some of the photos I took and one I’m in with my brother. It WAS good to see him!
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