Most people think that being a best-selling author means you never have financial worries again. Unfortunately that is just not the case for most authors. Unless you’re a big name or you have multiple best-selling books, you’re going to find that the advance runs out and the royalties are not going to be enough to keep you financially afloat.
Such is the case with Will Lavender who, even though he has had a best-selling book, finds that he needs the financial security of a steady paycheck and so has joined the ranks of state employees here in Kentucky. It’s one of those reasons I think I’ll stick with seeking magazine, web and short story work instead of a full-blown novel. The work is more financially lucrative AND steady if you work it like a job. And it’s not nearly as long between paydays like it can be with book writing
By the way, I truly hope Mr. Lavender captures the lightning in a bottle again with the book he is working on in his off hours. I’m not sure what his writing is like, but I know his attitude is one that I admire.
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