The 100 Worst Christmas Songs

Entertainment Weekly has put up their list of The 100 Greatest Down-and-Out-on-Christmas Songs and I felt vindicated to see that the Christmas song I hate to hear the most was listed in the number one position.

Granted, I used to enjoy “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” but that all changed during the holiday season of 1999 when my grandmother and father, respectively, passed away. After that, the words “Through the years we all will be together, if the Fates allow” never failed to cause me to choke up and when that didn’t change after two subsequent holiday seasons, I decided to never voluntarily listen to the song again. If it comes on the radio, I change the station or turn it off; if it is played over a store Muzak system while I’m shopping, I hum something different and if someone around me starts singing it, I punch them out to shut their mouth. Ok, I don’t really do that last one.

Is there a Christmas song YOU consider to be the worst?

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