Around mid-morning Monday the word came down that we were having a Thanksgiving Day party on Wednesday and whoever wanted to take part could donate a nominal amount and bring a beverage or dessert to share with the catered main course.
Oh joy!
I went ahead and paid and agreed to bring a beverage (non-alcoholic, darn it!) because it’s easier than driving out to a restaurant for lunch, but office parties have never been my idea of a good time. Sometimes you have to take part, just because of job politics or a need to network, but usually if I can figure a way to gracefully get out of it, I will.
I’ve also observed that, typically, when there is an office luncheon the day’s work output drops to less than half the usual amount. Logically, it would make more sense to just say “You have the afternoon off with pay” because at least then you would get a half day’s work done and not have the distraction of the office party preparations.
I know, I know; I need to be more of a “people person.”
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